Sunday, March 12, 2017


Change is hard and a little messy at first, but at the end, it may be more beautiful than you expected. Changes in life are not jokes, they should be taken seriously. Same as changes in the laboratory, one little change could bring everything down. Here is a brief info on how to manage a change in the laboratory.

Change management is the discipline that guides how we prepare, equip and support individuals to successfully adopt change in order to drive organizational success and outcomes. Decades of research shows there are actions we can take to influence people in their individual transitions. Change management provides a structured approach for supporting the individuals in your organization to move from their own current states to their own future states.

There are 3 levels of Change Management:

The first level is the Individual Change Management. This requires understanding how people experience change and what they need to change successfully. It also requires knowing what will help people make a successful transition such as what messages do people need to hear, when and from whom; when the optimal time to teach someone a new skill is; how to coach people to demonstrate new behaviors; what makes changes “stick” in someone’s work.

Second is the Organizational / Initiative Change Management. This involves first identifying the groups and people who will need to change as the result of the project, and in what ways they will need to change.

The third level is the Enterprise Change Management Capability. The organizational core competency that provides competitive differentiation and the ability to effectively adapt to the ever-changing world. It means effective change management is embedded into your organization’s roles, structures, processes, projects and leadership competencies.

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new”    
- Socrates


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